
News Update.

Het gaat beginnen!!

Vrijdagnacht gaan we van start richting de boot in Duinkerke (Frankrijk).

Alle voorbereidingen zijn gedaan dus kunnen niet wachten om te vertrekken.

Wil je ons volgen? Dat kan natuurlijk via onze socials of via onderstaande link.


Friday night we will start towards the boat in Dunkirk (France).

All preparations have been made so we can't wait to leave.

Do you want to follow us? You can of course do so via our socials or via the link below.

Hallo iedereen.

DSR gaat deze zomer meedoen aan de engeland wales editie van decatbagerun 2024.

Dus de voorbereidingen gaan weer in volle gang.

Volg ons op TikTok voor meer info en filmpjes


Hello everyone.

DSR will participate in the England Wales edition of Decatbagerun 2024 this summer.

So preparations are in full swing again.

Follow us on TikTok for more information and videos

Starts in the Czech Republic.

 This year they have the Czech Republic as chosen starting location.

The start wil be at:  Aeroklub Prachatice 383 01, Prachatice, Tsjechië

This was stated in the handbook we received today


DSR real life adventure begins!!!

Summer edition 2023 to Romania.

We are going to participate in this run with the Volvo v70 2.4 liter, built in 1998.

This run is not about speed, but more about the endurance of man and machine.

This edition starts in the east of Germany, near the 3-country point of Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany.

we go through Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Romania.

The finish will be in Austria.

This route goes through the Făgăraș Mountains.

we are really looking forward to it, so we are working hard on the car to make it completely ready for the run.

We will also post photos, videos, etc on our socials!!

We are also looking for companies that want to sponsor us for this tour. These companies will be featured on our Volvo and will also be appointed in the socials!!

For more information you can always send an email to:

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